Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
To commend and express appreciation to Evelyn Fahrbach for her years of service with the City's Transportation Department.
WHEREAS, Evelyn Fahrbach will retire on January 27, 2006 after having been employed with the City Transportation Department since September 15, 1966, a period of more than 39 years; and
WHEREAS, Evelyn supported the City through her tireless support and guidance in staffing numerous City bodies, including the Pedestrian-Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Commission, the Transportation Commission, the Transit Committee, the Parking Utility Committee, the Pedestrian-Bicycle Committee, the Madison Safety Council and others; and
WHEREAS, her tenacious character insured that others got their tasks completed so that she could complete her task of getting the mailings of information to the various committees, commissions and the City Council in a timely manner; and
WHEREAS, Evelyn's institutional memory of "all things Transportation" has long been recognized as far superior to any others; and
WHEREAS, a list of Evelyn's work attributes would be very long - if it had to be summed up in one word, that word would be "conscientious," and
WHEREAS, her fellow employees recognize her as a dedicated public servant and friend and wish her a long, healthy and prosperous retirement;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council on their own behalf and that of the citizens of Madison hereby recognize and commend Evelyn Fahrbach for her loyal and dedicated service.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be suitably printed and forwarded to Evelyn Fahrbach as an expression of gratitude.