Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in the following Acct. Nos:
10382-403-172 (Path Construction): $ 305,000
10382-403-174 (Path Inlets & Leads: $ 18,000
10382-84-174 (Storm Sewer): $ 272,000
10382-403-171 (Bridge Construction): $ 254,000
10382-84-174-84500 (Water Quality): $ 21,000
Total $ 870,500
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the construction of Capital City Path Reconstruction and Bridge Replacement. (6th & 15th AD)
The Capital City Path is the primary multi-use (bike and pedestrian) path on Madison’s East side, connecting neighborhoods to the Downtown area. The segment from Marquette Street to Dennett Drive is in poor condition with substandard width. The 8-foot clear width on the existing bridge does not meet current minimum standards and the existing wood plank deck requires frequent maintenance. There are flooding problems in several locations, due to inadequate drainage facilities.
The project will reconstruct and widen approximately 3700 feet of existing asphalt path; replace the existing bridge with a modern, steel bridge with concrete deck; and replace approximately 2150 feet of storm sewer with larger diameter sewer, including upgrade of the existing storm outfall into Starkweather Creek.
In several places the path widening and upgrade of storm structures will require minor, temporary grading within the adjacent railroad corridor, for which a permit from WisDOT is required. This is expected to have no cost. However, the Permit agreement with WisDOT requires that the City indemnify the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation. City APM 1-1 requires Common Council Approval whenever the City indemnifies another party.
The proposed indemnification language has been reviewed by the City’s Risk Manager. The City’s risk exposure is increased by this clause, but the exposure is covered by the City’s insurance ...
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