Fiscal Note
The increase of $2 per license is anticipated to yield an additional $18,000 to $20,000 annually, which will partially offset a proposal by Dane County to increase by $3 per license its share of total dog license proceeds. An anticipated net loss of $1 per license, or a total of $10,000, is included in the General Fund Revenues/Dog Licenses in the 2006 Executive Budget.
Amending Section 9.50(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to increase dog
Drafter's Analysis: This ordinance increases the dog license tax to $10 for a neutered male dog or spayed female dog and to $15 for an unneutered male dog or unspayed female dog.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subsection (2) entitled "Tax" of Section 9.50 entitled "Dog License Required" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
"(2) Tax. Effective April 1, 20046, the dog license tax shall be a total of eight ten dollars ($810) for a neutered male dog or spayed female dog upon presentation of evidence that the dog is neutered or spayed, and a total of thirteen fifteen dollars ($135) for an unneutered male dog or unspayed female dog, or one-half these amounts if the dog becomes five (5) months of age after July 1 of the license year. The Treasurer of the City of Madison or other authorized individual shall collect these fees."