Fiscal Note
The expenses related to the service increases from August 23, 2009 through the end of the year, including those for personnel needed, have already been included in the 2009 Operating Budget. This Resolution will provide for an increase in the number of authorized motorcoach operator FTEs in the Transit Utility budget by 5.0 FTE, from 296.5 to 301.5. No additional appropriation is required.
Amending the Metro Transit 2009 Operating Budget to allow for the promotion of five Motorcoach Operators to full time in order to control overtime costs with the service increases that go into effect August 23, 2009.
WHEREAS the Transit and Parking Commission has approved increased service for Metro Transit beginning August 23, 2009; and
WHEREAS the increased service will add 9439 hours of service on an annualized basis; and
WHEREAS Metro Transit wants to be fiscally responsible and control overtime costs related to service; and
WHEREAS the Mayor's Office has approved hiring additional Motorcoach Operators for this purpose;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Metro Transit's 2009 Operating Budget be amended to reflect the increase of five FTE Motorcoach Operator positions.