Fiscal Note
Funds are available in Acct. No. 10903-402-170 $39,785.00 (these costs will be assessed to the State)
Total Cost: $39,785
Assessments: $39,785
City Cost: $0
Approving Revised Schedule Of Assessments For East & West Mifflin Street, North Carroll Street and North Pinckney Street Assessment District - 2016.
The Board of Public Works and the City Engineer having made reports of all proceedings in relation to the improvement of East & West Mifflin Street, North Carroll Street and North Pinckney Street Assessment District - 2016 pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council, ID No. 41213, adopted 1/19/2016, which resolution was adopted thereto, and the provisions of the Madison General Ordinances and the Wisconsin Statutes in such case made and provided, and the Common Council being fully advised.
1. That the original assessments approved under RES-16-00081 be revised to include parcel 0709-242-0501-0, State of Wisconsin, State Capitol.
2. That the sum assigned to this additional parcel, as indicated on the attached schedule of assessment, is hereby specially assessed upon such parcel.
3. That the Common Council determines such special assessments to be reasonable.
4. That such work or improvement represents an exercise of the police power of the City of Madison.
5. That the schedule of assessments in the Report of the Board of Public Works and the Report of the City Engineer for the above named improvement be and are hereby approved.
6. That the due date by which all such special assessments shall be paid in full is October 31st of the year in which it is billed, or,
7. That such special assessments shall be collected in eight (8) equal installments, with interest thereon at 3.0 percent per annum, except those special assessments paid in full on or before October 31st of that year.
Notice is hereby given that a contract has been (or is about to be) let for East & West Mifflin Stre...
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