Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Creating Section 28.022 -- 00077 of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from TR-C2 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 2) District to TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 3) District. Proposed Use: Demolish single-family residence and construct new residence in TR-C3 zoning. 13th Aldermanic District; 801 Erin Street
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Rezoning land at 801 Erin Street to demolish a single-family residence and construct a new residence in TR-C3 zoning.***********************************************************************************
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Map Amendment 00077 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.022-00077. The following described property is hereby omitted from the TR-C2 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 2) District and added to the TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 3) District:
All of Lot 1, Spohn Levander Replat, as Recorded in Volume 4 OF Plats, on Page 12A., as Document Number 355968, Dane County Registry, located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 07 North, RANGE 09 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, Containing 3,000 Square feet.