Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves plans for the Eagle Trace Subdivision private development. Public improvements at the cost of the City are estimated to be less than $25,000. The Engineering Major Streets Reconstruction Streets capital program (MUNS 11136) provides sufficient funding within the adopted 2018 budget for these expenditures.
11136-402-170: 54410
Approving plans and specifications for surface paving required to serve the Subdivision known as Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8193. (9th AD)
WHEREAS, the developer, VHET, LLC, has received the City of Madison's conditional approval to create the subdivision known as Eagle Trace; and,
WHEREAS, Section 16.23(9) of the Madison General Ordinances requires the developer to install surface paving necessary to serve the subdivision
1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Contract For the Construction of Public Improvements That Will be Accepted by the City of Madison For Eagle Trace - Surface, with VHET, LLC.
2. That the plans and specifications for the public improvements necessary to serve this phase of the subdivision are hereby approved.
3. That the developer is authorized to construct the public improvements in accordance with the terms of the Contract For the Construction of Public Improvements That Will be Accepted by the City of Madison at the sole cost of the developer, except as follows: Reimbursement not to exceed the statutory limit for the cost of street improvements that benefit the City and abut lands owned by the City, in accordance with Section 16.23(9)(d)(6)(d).
4. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and grant easements or right-of-way release or procurement documents, maintenance agreements or encroachment agreements, as necessary and grant or accept dedication of lands and/or easements from/to...
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