Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the double fill of position #844 at CG18-RG08 for up to four years. The estimated annual cost of this double fill, including benefits, is $59,000 and the cost for the remainder of 2018 is approximately $16,000. IT is currently projecting a $45,000 surplus for 2018. Ongoing funding for the double fill is contingent upon appropriations in future budget.
Authorizing a double-fill of IT Specialist 2 position #844 in Information Technology for up to 4 years due to the incumbent serving in active military duty.
WHEREAS, IT Specialist 2 position #844 is currently occupied by Muajyeej “Isaac” Xiong as an IT Specialist 1; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Xiong reported for active military duty on June 13, 2018; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Xiong is expected to be serving for up to 4 years, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Xiong will be off work during this time, but has rights to his position after his military discharge per USERRA, and
WHEREAS, IT needs someone in this position to perform work at the Helpdesk while Mr. Xiong is on military leave, and
WHEREAS, the double-fill will exceed thirty (30) days;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Information Technology is authorized to double-fill the position of IT Specialist 2, position #844, with a limited term employee from June 13, 2018 until Mr. Xiong’s return from military duty, or approximately 4 years.