Fiscal Note
Total project cost is $261,918. The State/Federal cost is $235,726 and the City of Madison's share of the total cost, which is included in the Traffic Engineering Division's Capital Improvement Plan, is approximately $26,192.
Budget authority is available in Acct. No. 10839-45-176
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Aberg Avenue, Shopko Drive Intersection.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT) administers the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and has approved a project for the City of Madison at the intersection of Aberg Avenue and Shopko Drive. The improvement will include new traffic signals and improved signage. The project is a safety project designed to reduce accidents at the intersection. The proposed project is planned for construction in the year 2016.
The City of Madison and the WDOT have entered into an agreement for design and construction cost sharing for the proposed project. Design and construction are eligible for 90% HSIP funding. The local share (10%) will be paid for by the City of Madison.
1) That the plans and specifications for the Aberg Avenue, Shopko Drive Intersection, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and grant easements or right-of-way release or procurement documents, maintenance agreements or encroachment agreements, as necessary and grant or accept dedication of lands and/or easements from/to the Developer/Owner for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways.