Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Amending resolution Res-12-00648, Legistar No. 27220 changing the composition of the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee.
Amending Resolution RES-12-00648, Legistar No. 27220 authorizing the issuance of a request for proposals for Transportation Master Plan services and creating the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee to increase the number of Common Council members and decrease the number of citizen appointments.
WHEREAS, on September 4, 2012 the Common Council adopted RES-12-00648, Legistar No. 27220 and since that time the Mayor is recommending that four common council members and 7 citizens be appointed to the Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the adopted resolution is amended to include four Common Council members and 7 citizen members;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council:
ALD. CHRIS SCHMIDT - District 11
ALD. JOHN R. STRASSER - District 14
ALD. DENISE DEMARB - District 16
GARY POULSON - appoint to the position of Citizen Member. Mr. Poulson serves as the chair of the Transit and Parking Commission. He is a member of the DMI Transportation and Parking Committee and a former member of the Common Council. Mr. Poulson will serve as the chair of this committee.
ROBERT KENNEDY - appoint to the position of UW-Madison Representative. Mr. Kennedy is the Transportation Planner for the UW Transportation Services and the former chair of the Madison Transportation Commission.
LYNN K. HOBBIE - appoint to the position of Citizen Member. Ms. Hobbie is the Senior Vice-President of Madison Gas & Electric. She serves on the board of the Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau and 1000 Friends of Wisconsin.
KEN GOLDEN - appoint to the position of Citizen Member. Mr. Golden is a member of the Transit and Parking Comm...
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