Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes Garver Events LLC as the fiscal agent for Culinary Ladies Collective for their 2021-2022 Art Grant project. Funding of $3,000 for this project was previously approved by adopted RES-21-00302 (File ID 65047) on May 4, 2021. No additional City appropriation is required.
Adding Garver Events LLC as the fiscal agent for Culinary Ladies Collective for their 2021-2022 Art Grant project.
WHEREAS the Common Council approved the 2021-2022 Art Grant Program awards on May 4, 2020 (Resolution No. 65047, RES-21-00302), and in that resolution authorized a grant to Culinary Ladies Collective for their Femmestival Project; and
WHEREAS, since that time, Culinary Ladies Collective has indicated they need to use a fiscal agent and would like to utilize Garver Events LLC as the fiscal agent for their $3,000.00 grant award with Culinary Ladies Collective completing project work in adherence to the Conditions/Comments of the adopted recommendations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby approves Garver Events LLC to be the fiscal agent for Culinary Ladies Collective’s project as follows: "Garver Events LLC fiscal agent for Culinary Ladies Collective” and authorizes the Planning Division Director to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Madison and to effectuate said grant upon countersignature of the Finance Director.