Fiscal Note
Real Estate acquisition costs and staff time estimated at $70,000 for this project are available in Acct. No. ES01-58130-810332-00-53W1125 (Land Easement - Easement Acquisition).
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the reconstruction and maintenance of existing public sanitary sewer improvements associated with the N. Frances Street Assessment District - 2011. (8th AD)
On March 15, 2011 the City of Madison Common Council approved Resolution No. RES-11-00208, File No. 21,148 Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For N. Frances Street (Langdon St) Assessment District - 2011; and,
In addition to the proposed street reconstruction, the Engineering Division recommends reconstructing portions of undersized, outdated and deteriorating public sanitary sewers in the vicinity of the N. Frances St - Langdon St project; and,
City Engineering Division has established Engineering Project No. 53W1125 and Office of Real Estate Services Project No. 9784 to facilitate the acquisition of required easements to perform the necessary public sanitary sewer reconstruction associated with the N. Frances St. reconstruction project.
To accomplish the sanitary sewer reconstruction as proposed by the Engineering Division, the acquisition of public land interests (Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements) are required from a single property owned by Devine Partners, LLP located at 630 N. Frances St. (City P.I.N. 0709-143-0121-6); and,
The necessary permanent and temporary easement land interests that are required to complete this public sanitary sewer reconstruction by the City of Madison are identified on the City of Madison Relocation Order Map and Schedule of Land Interests Required dated December 7, 2011 which is attached hereto and made part of this resolution; and...
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