Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Mayor's Office budget. No appropriation is required.
Transferring $15,000 from Permanent Salaries to Supplies (Furniture) in the 2011 Mayor's Office Adopted Budget.
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the office furniture in the Mayor's Office is old and worn, causing ergonomic problems; and
WHEREAS, the current budget of the Mayor's Office does not include funding for replacement of office furniture; and
WHEREAS, funding is available in the Mayor's Office permanent salaries budget due to staffing changes;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that $15,000 is transferred from Permanent Salaries to Supplies (Furniture) in the Mayor's Office 2011 Adopted Budget.
($15,000) GN01-51100-080000 Permanent Salaries
$15,000 GN01-53140-080000 Supplies (Furniture)