Fiscal Note
Cost Estimate $830,000
Acct. no. 10289-403-172 (bike) $470,000
Acct. no. 10289-84-174 (storm) $60,000
Acct. no. 10310-174-84200 (storm) $300,000
The proposed indemnification language has been reviewed by the City’s Risk Manager. The City’s risk exposure is increased by this clause, but the exposure is covered by the City’s insurance policies, subject to their terms and conditions.
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Ice Age Junction Path - Tree Lane Segment and East Mendota-Pheasant Branch Greenway - Mineral Point Section Regrading. (9th AD)
This project consists of construction of an approximately 830-ft long bike and pedestrian path between the West Beltline Highway and Tree Lane, along the south edge of the existing greenway. This project will also regrade approximately 650 linear feet of channel between the Beltline and Tree Lane, including the relocation of the low-flow channel within the larger drainage way, and removal of accumulated sediment. A large quantity of invasive trees and brushy vegetation will be removed from channel and replaced with native, herbaceous vegetation and a few native trees. Two storm sewer pipes within the Tree Lane right of way will be rerouted.
A portion of the construction of this project will occur within Right-of-Way owned by the State of Wisconsin, and WisDOT requires the City of Madison obtain a Permit to Work on Highway Right-of-Way, which includes standard language indemnifying WisDOT. City APM 1-1 requires Common Council Approval whenever the City indemnifies another party. A maintenance agreement with WisDOT will also be required.
1) That the plans and specifications for Ice Age Junction Path - Tree Lane Segment and East Mendota-Pheasant Branch Greenway - Mineral Point Section Regrading be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of P...
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