Fiscal Note
The Resolution provides for an amendment to the 2014 adopted capital budget of the Facilities Management agency, Project No. 14, "Implement Sustainability Plan," Acc't No. 810778. $250,000 of the total $1,000,000 that is authorized for the project will be allocated to serve as the City matching component for a Federal TIGER grant, for which the City is applying. If the City is awarded Federal TIGER grant funds, a subsequent authorizing Resolution will be required to accept the grant funds and amend the 2014 adopted capital budget to create a new project through which expenditures and revenues will be tracked, subject to Council approval.
Authorizing the City of Madison to apply to the US Department of Transportation’s TIGER grant program and amending the 2014 Capital Budget to allocate up to $250,000 in matching funds.
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, the U.S. Congress appropriated $600 million to be awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation under the TIGER VI grant program to government entities for investment in planning and developing transportation infrastructure. The TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) program is designed to support transportation investments that promote the economic development of a city, metropolitan area, or region. Out of the total grant funding available, $35 million has been set aside to plan transportation facilities. The TIGER planning set aside supports planning activities aimed at coordinating transportation, housing and economic development.
WHEREAS, the design of new development and infill redevelopment opportunities can promote transit including bus rapid transit along transportation corridors, better connect low-income neighborhoods to employment, and foster stronger neighborhoods; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison’s 2006 Comprehensive Plan, its Zoning Code, and adopted neighborhood and transportation plans support the goal of enhancing trans...
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