Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Amending Section 28.142(3)(c) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow stone as a type of mulch allowed by the Landscaping and Screening Requirements.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amendment would allow stone to be used as an alternative to organic wood mulch in appropriate situations. Currently, the landscaping requirements of the zoning code only allow organic material like shredded bark or chipped wood to be used as a mulch. Staff has learned that there are some circumstances in which bark mulch is not the most appropriate form of landscaping material. For example, some mulched areas are prone to water runoff and often result in mulch pieces migrating into driveways or parking lots. Organic mulch can attract and provide habitation and sustenance, as well as promote possible entry into adjacent structures. Also, many mulched areas are frequented by pets who tend to eat the mulch. Stone material provides an alternative for such areas while continuing to maintain the area as a permeable surface. In particular, stone mulch can provide a cost effective, low maintenance permeable ground cover for commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subdivision (c) of Subsection (3) entitled “Landscape Plan and Design Standards” of Section 28.142 entitled “Landscaping and Screening Requirements” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
“(c) Mulch shall consist of shredded bark, chipped wood or other organic material stone installed at a minimum depth of two (2) inches. If stone is used, it shall be spread over weed barrier fabric.”