Fiscal Note
Total Project Expenditures $142,434.75
Payment authorized under Change Order No. 1 & 2 of Public Works Contract 6605 (Rawson Contractors, Account No ES01-58275-810333-00-53W1316 $99,000
Concrete Replacement Work $3,043.75, Raymond P. Cattell (Contract No. 6595)
Lift Station Reimbursement to Yahara Square Associates is estimated at $40,391.00
Termination of the Declaration of Public Works Emergency per Section 62.15(1b) of the Wisconsin Statutes Proclaiming an Emergency for the timely lateral installation to 1301 East Washington Ave (formerly Marquip building). (6th AD)
WHEREAS, a Public Emergency per Wisconsin Statute Section 62.15(1b) of the Wisconsin Statutes was declared on July 6, 2011 to install a sanitary lateral to 1301 E. Washington Ave. that was discovered to have been incorrectly connected to the City Storm sewer during the E. Washington Ave. street reconstruction project in 2004.
WHEREAS, the lateral installation has been completed by Rawson Contractors, Inc.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the emergency is hereby declared to be satisfied and is closed and the work is accepted as completed; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contractor, Rawson Contractors be paid in full.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Public Works Emergency declared on July 6, 2011 is hereby terminated.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that reimbursement shall be made to Yahara Square Associates for the estimated cost of $40,391.00 for the new privately owned lift station.