Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in Acct. No. ESTM-58270-810392-00-53W1094 - $70,000 "Inter-Municipal Storm Sewers"
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Lake Edge Basin Repair, Contract No. 6744.
1) That the plans and specifications for Lake Edge Basin Repair, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept dedication of lands and/or easements from the Developer/Owner for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways.
4) That the City of Madison Office of Real Estate Services will administer a Temporary Limited Easement from the owner(s) (James H. Stellhorn and Stephanie A. Miller) of adjacent private property at 4113 Monona Dr by Real Estate Project No. 9729; and
5) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept Temporary Limited Easement rights from the owner(s) (James H. Stellhorn and Stephanie A. Miller) of the adjacent private property at 4113 Monona Dr, allowing for repairs to be made to this property that were caused by the prior failure of this basin or by the original construction of the basin. The temporary limited easement rights will allow the city and its' contractors to perform the necessary repairs on their private property and said rights will expire upon completion of the public repairs of said private property which is located outside of existing public fee title ownership and/or public easement right-of-ways.