Fiscal Note
The COPS Hiring grant would pay 60% of the salary and fringe benefit costs of seven entry-level police officers for three years for a total of $875,000. The City would match 40% of the costs for a total of $578,829. For 2017, the positions would begin with the September Academy and cost the City $36,099. The City would also spend $65,443 for initial issue uniforms, equipment and supplies for a total 2017 cost of $101,542.
The terms of the grant would require the City to maintain its authorized strength for the three grant years plus one additional year. Total estimated City costs for 2017-2020 (including September - December in 2020 after the grant ends) are $840,589 and would need to be included in the Department’s operating budgets. Annual ongoing costs for 2021 and beyond are estimated to be $552,870.
The grant, if awarded, also would create a new sergeant position to begin in January 2018. The incremental cost of promoting a senior police officer to sergeant would be: $8,003 in 2018; $9,651 in 2019; and $10,412 in 2020 for a total cost of $28,066. These costs would be covered by the City.
$775,146 Personnel (2017 = $36,099; 2018 = $168,950; 2019 = $189,879; 2020 = $380,218)
$ 65,443 Initial Issue Uniform, Work Supplies and Equipment (2017)
$840,589 Total City Costs (2017-2020) 49%
$875,000 Total Grant-Covered Personnel Costs (2017-2020) 51%
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Madison Police Department to apply for and accept a FY2016 COPS Hiring grant of $875,000 for the purpose of hiring seven police officers to expand community policing, mental health, neighborhood, gang, outreach and education efforts in the new Midtown District when it becomes operational in 2018
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office) has issued a solicitation for grant applications to hire law enforcement personnel in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime preventi...
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