Fiscal Note
The COPS hiring grant will pay 51% of the salary and fringe benefit costs of three entry-level police officers for three years for a total of $375,000. The City's cost over the three-year period is estimated to be $447,310. For 2013, the positions would begin with the Fall Academy in October and cost the City $11,683. The City would also spend $21,810 for initial issue uniforms, equipment and supplies for a total 2013 cost of $33,493. Funding is not included in the 2013 operating budget. If the grant is awarded, an additional appropriation may be needed as part of the annual year-end resolution. City costs for 2014-2016 would need to be included in the Department’s operating budget. The estimated personnel costs are: $87,650 in 2014; $118,350 in 2015; and $140,310 in 2016. The City would also need to purchase three vehicles in 2014 at a cost of $67,500. The terms of the grant would require the City to maintain its authorized strength for the three grant years plus one additional year.
Authorizing the Madison Police Department to apply for and accept an FY2013 COPS Hiring grant for the purpose of hiring three police officers for a new Youth Violence Prevention Team to improve public safety in middle schools and among middle school students in the community.
WHEREAS, the US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office) has issued a solicitation for grant applications to hire law enforcement personnel in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts, with a special focus on child and youth safety problems, and children exposed to violence; and,
WHEREAS, these grants, if awarded, cover 51% percent of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each newly-hired full-time sworn career law enforcement officer over three years (36 months); and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department plans to submit a request for funding a total of three (3) a...
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