Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes recreation of a Program Assistant position (#1042) in CDA Housing from 0.85 FTE to 1.0 FTE and reallocating the incumbent to the new FTE level. The proposed FTE increase has annual impact of approximately $9,000, including benefits. The proposed increase will be absorbed by CDA Housing’s 2019 Adopted Operating Budget. No additional City appropriation is required.
Recreate position #1042 from a .85 FTE to a 1.0 FTE Program Assistant 2 in CG 20, Range 12 in the CDA Housing operating budget; and reallocate the incumbent to the new FTE Level.
Resolution to recreate position #1042 from a 0.85 FTE to a 1.0 FTE Program Assistant 2 in CG 20, Range 12 of the CDA Housing operating budget, and reallocate the incumbent (V. Kutz) to the new position, thereof.