Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution has no fiscal impact, the function is absorbed within existing staff resources.
Appointing Jessica Vaughn of the Planning Division to serve on the BioAg Gateway Architectural Review Committee.
WHEREAS, the City currently owns property for sale within the BioAg Gateway business park; and,
WHEREAS, development within the BioAg Gateway must be approved by an Architectural Review Committee; and,
WHEREAS, a member of Planning Division staff has historically served on the Architectural Review Committee; and,
WHEREAS, that position is currently vacant due to a member of staff leaving City employment; and,
WHEREAS, City staff recommends appointing Jessica Vaughn of the Planning Division to fill this vacancy.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council appoints Jessica Vaughn of the Planning Division to represent the City of Madison on the BioAg Gateway Architectural Review Committee; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Jessica Vaughn will be serving on this Architectural Review Committee in her capacity as an employee of the City of Madison.