Fiscal Note
The Economic Development Division’s Land Banking capital program was created in the 2020 Adopted Capital Budget, which included $1 million in 2020 funding. This capital program was amended by adopted RES-20-00371 (File ID: 60226) and increased the program budget by $1.26 million for a specific property acquisition, which is funded by TIF proceeds through TID #42. The 2021 Adopted Capital Budget includes an additional $3 million for 2021 funding. The current available budget for the Land Banking capital program is approximately $4.2 million.
Approval of City of Madison’s Land Banking Policy
As part of the City’s 2020-2024 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan, Common Council adopted budget authority for a Land Banking program. This program is to be used for the acquisition of land and buildings each year for future affordable housing, neighborhood amenities, employment opportunities, and/or other uses identified by the City. The Capital Budget specified that a Land Banking policy would be created by the City’s Housing Strategy Committee and adopted by the Common Council. The Land Banking policy proposes creating a set of guidelines to inform how real property will be acquired and how uses of acquired property will be prioritized when identifying potential acquisition sites.
The Land Banking policy proposes to establish a set of baseline criteria that City staff will use when evaluating a site’s appropriateness for acquisition and where land may be prioritized for improvement or expansion of community-oriented land uses. The commitment of City funds through this Land Banking fund aims to minimize the displacement of low-income persons and businesses located in the City of Madison, especially in areas proximate to frequent transit service.
WHEREAS, the City’s 2020-2024 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan provided for the allocation of $1 million annually for the creation of a Land Banking fund that would be administered by th...
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