Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Madison Gas and Electric Company relating to a study of the Madison Water Utility’s fleet for electric vehicle capabilities.
WHEREAS, Madison Gas and Electric Company desires to fund a study by Sawatch, Inc., a company that provides data-driven electric vehicle (EV) analytics to recommend optimized EV fleet changes, of the Madison Water Utility’s fleet to determine the electric vehicle capabilities of the Utility and its fleet; and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Water Utility maintains its own fleet of vehicles and could benefit from an EV analysis of its fleet and operations; and,
WHEREAS, the Sawatch study of the Utility’s fleet will provide information, analysis, and data-driven recommendations to help the Utility make informed decisions on a potential switch from internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs, and will benefit the Utility, its rate payers, and the City itself, and is consistent with the City’s goal of implementing sustainable and renewable energy policies.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Common Council finds that it is in the City’s interest to cooperate with Madison Gas and Electric Company’s proposal to fund an electric vehicle analysis of the Madison Water Utility fleet by Sawatch, Inc.; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with Madison Gas and Electric Company for this purpose, on terms approved by the City Attorney and generally consistent with the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein.