Fiscal Note
This resolution increases the Total Plant Value for the Madison Storm Water Utility $12,940.62
Accepting storm sewer constructed by private contract for Complex 1 - McAllen T.E.C. Corridor - PUD, Private Contract No. 1841. (17th AD)
WHEREAS, McAllen Properties, LLC has satisfactorily completed the installation of storm sewer improvements by private contract, in accordance with the City of Madison Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, in: Complex 1 - McAllen T.E.C. Corridor - PUD
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said storm sewer improvements be and are hereby accepted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said storm sewer improvements are hereby assigned to the Madison Storm Water Utility for ownership and maintenance and that the attached Schedule "A" representing the actual cost of construction of these improvements shall be reflected in the Madison Storm Water Utility's "Utility Plant In Service".
Increase in Total Plant Value per Schedule "A" $12,940.62