Fiscal Note
No fiscal note needed.
Discussion Item: Cover Resolutions to Reports and Plans Presented to the Council - by request of Ald. Ken Golden
Creating a Council rule requiring that all reports, action plans, neighborhood plans and plans covering possible projects and plans submitted for the approval of the council and any committees be accompanied by a resolution that contains the following:
*Whereas statements describing why the report or plan was created identifying any resolution that initiated the process;
*Whereas statements identifying any special grant funding from the city or other source that supported the effort.
*Whereas statements indicating who wrote the report and who was on any special committee or subcommittee that advised on its contents; and
*Resolved clauses that contain a list of all significant recommendations contained in the report;
*Resolved clauses that contain a description of all implementation plans; and
*Resolved clauses that contain a description of any significant conditions that would need to exist in order to achieve compliance.
*Adoption of the resolution is intended to approve the report and represents a commitment that a work plan to implement the recommendations will be developed.
The CCOC should also (once and for all) resolve the subtle distinctions between accepting, receiving or approving the report. If the report or plan is approved, the council is saying it wants to move on the matter according to the implementation recommendations (if any) or as expeditiously as possible. If the report is accepted, the council is approving the contend but making no commitment to moving on the contents. RECEIVING is a nondecision that simply closes the matter on legistar and makes no statement of approval or rejection or commitment to doing anything.