Fiscal Note
In the adopted 2017 capital budget Engineering-Major Streets has budgeted $1.67 million for design work for the Pleasant View Road reconstruction project (MUNIS 10284). $200,000 of the appropriated funds is provided by GO Borrowing in 2017, and the remaining funding is provided by other municipal participate. The project’s out years within the adopted Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is planned to provide for continued out-year design work in the proposed agreement.
The proposed resolution authorizes the multi-year agreement at a total cost of $1,522,000 which is split amongst agency funding sources as follows:
Engineering Major Streets - $1,084,000
Sewer Utility - $43,000
Water Utility - $55,000
Municipal Participate (City of Middleton) - $340,000
10284-402-170 $1,084,000
10284-83-173 $43,000
10284-86-179 $55,000
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Strand Associates, Inc. for design engineering services for Pleasant View Road (USH 14 to Mineral Point Rd) and allowing Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement(s) with the City of Middleton for cost sharing on the project.
The City of Madison and City of Middleton are proposing to jointly reconstruct Pleasant View Road (USH 14 to Mineral Point Road) in 2021-2023. The Cities both desire to enter into an agreement with a consultant for design engineering services.
Pursuant to City Ordinances and Policies, the City Engineer advertised for consultant proposals, reviewed the submitted proposals, and recommends the design engineering contract be awarded to Strand Associates, Inc. The consultant’s services will include the completion of preliminary plans and the Environmental Assessment report and Final Plans & Specifications.
This will be a multi-year design project (2017-2022) and construction is scheduled for 2021-2023. $200,000 has been budgeted for the street design in 2017 and the remainder will be included in a future ...
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