Fiscal Note
This agreement would allow Dane County to take advantage of State 85.20 transit funding received by Madison Metro Transit for the provision of the portion of Group Access Service located in the City of Madison. Dane County will provide an amount not to exceed $178,535 of Highway Department funds and Metro Transit will provide an amount not to exceed $155,000 of state 85.20 Operating Assistance funding. Funding for 2015 is included in the Metro Transit Utility's Adopted Operating Budget.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter in to an agreement with Dane County to provide Group Access Service for the City of Madison for the calendar year 2015.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison and Dane County cooperate on the funding of several special transportation programs, including Group Access Service for older adults and individuals with disabilities for group transportation such as congregate meals, group shopping and adult daycare, in the Metro Transit Service area; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is eligible to receive Section 85.20 (ยง85.20 Wis. Stats.) urban mass transit aids from the State of Wisconsin for eligible transit activities within the Metro Transit service area; and,
WHEREAS, Dane County's total anticipated net costs of the Group Access Service for 2015 is $ 333,535 for service within the Metro Transit service area; and,
WHEREAS, Metro Transit will pass through to Dane County an amount not to exceed $155,000 of State Section 85.20 funds with the remaining coming directly to Dane County from Highway Department funds;
Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with Dane County to provide for a pass-through of Section 85.20 funds not to exceed $155,000 for the calendar year 2015.