Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Sec. 66.0301 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System (UW) for the use and installation of conduit in the City's right-of-way.
WHEREAS, the UW desires to install fiber optic cable in existing City-owned conduit, and construct new conduit in City right-of-way, which will become city property, to bridge two gaps in the existing conduit, north along the Southwest Commuter path corridor from the Fitchburg/Madison city boundary to a location just north of the pedestrian bridge over the Beltline; and
WHEREAS, the UW has received federal grant funds to complete this work which is called the "Building Community Capacity through Broadband" (BCCB) project; and
WHEREAS, the City will assume ownership of all new conduit in the City's right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to have fiber optic cable installed along this same path; and
WHEREAS, the UW will install a City supplied 72 strand fiber optic cable, to be owned by the City, in parallel with their fiber optic cable at no cost to the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign a Sec. 66.0301 Intergovernmental Agreement with the UW for the purposes described above, with the initial term being five years, subject to renewal and cancellation provisions.