Fiscal Note
Design costs for the IT Server Room and Police Evidence Storage remodeling project were included in the 2011 Adopted Capital Budget.
Budget authority is available in Acct. No. CB53-58401-810706-00-53W1169 - $32,550 - Capital Agency Description "AC Units for IT Servers"
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Angus Young Associates, Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the interior improvements at the IT Server Room and Police Evidence Storage in the City-County Building. (6th AD)
WHEREAS the 2011 Capital Budget includes $459,000 in funding for architectural and
engineering consultant design services and interior improvements to the IT Server Room and Police Evidence Storage; and
WHEREAS Angus Young Associates, Inc., located at 555 South River Street
Janesville, Wisconsin 53545, has been selected through the "Request for Proposal" process and the "Final Interview" process, and is the final selected candidate in accordance with Chapter 4.26 of the Madison General Ordinances; and
WHEREAS the total contract compensation for architectural and engineering services for
Destree Design Architects, Inc. is $32,550.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Angus Young Associates, Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering services for the interior improvements at the Engineering Office.