Fiscal Note
$1,200,000 was budgeted in the 2010 Contingent Reserve and is available for this $7,974 appropriation. There is no impact on the tax levy or State Expenditure Restraint Program eligibility limits.
Accepting VHF radios funded in a grant to Dane County, amending the 2010 Fire Operating Budget and appropriating $7,974 from the Contingent Reserve.
The County was responsible for submitting a combined application.The State Office of Justice Assistance, Homeland Security has awarded a grant to Dane County for all local agencies.
The award covers a maximum amount per radio model with the City of Madison paying the difference. The City is approved to purchase one mobile and 18 portable radios which totals $ 28,397.37. Dane County will file for the City reimbursement amount of $20,423.35 with the State Office of Justice Assistance. The City will cover the match of $7,974.02.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison accept the award of communications equipment valued at $28,397.37
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2010 Fire Operating Budget be amended to increase Communication Supplies expense (55511-722110) by $28,397, offset by revenue - Dane County Reimbursement (73352-722110) of $20,423 and an appropriation of $7,974 from the Contingent Reserve for the City match.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and other designated officials are authorized to sign any necessary documents.