Fiscal Note
No funds required.
Approving Geometrics for Cottage Grove Road from Drexel Avenue to Approximately 250 feet east of Dempsey Road, and Dempsey Road from 200 feet south of Dempsey Road to the Union Pacific Railroad (includes intersection of Cottage Grove Road and Dempsey Road).
The City of Madison proposes to reconstruct Cottage Grove Road from Drexel Avenue to approximately 250 feet east of Dempsey Road, and Dempsey Road from approximately 200 feet south of Cottage Grove Road to the Union Pacific Railroad. The existing pavement is in poor condition and in need of reconstruction. The project will be partially funded by a Idle Industrial Sites Redevelopment Grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. The WEDC grant was awarded because this street project is will provide a gateway appropriate to the new Royster Corners redevelopment.
The construction is scheduled for 2016 and preliminary plans have been prepared. The City’s Traffic Engineering Division has prepared geometrics for the reconstruction of these segments of Cottage Grove Road and Dempsey Road .
The proposed geometrics for Cottage Grove Road include reconfiguring the street from a 4 lane undivided arterial to a 4-lane median-divided arterial. The design includes widening of the corridor to install on-street bike lanes, an eight-foot wide sidewalk on the north side, a five-foot wide sidewalk on the south side and varying width grass terraces between the curb and sidewalk. Terraces on the north side vary but are typically approximately 9-12 feet . Terraces on the south side vary but are typically approximately 5-9 feet. A parking lane is included on the north side of the street between Royster Oaks Drive and Dempsey Road. The intersections at Royster Oaks Drive and Dempsey Road have been reconfigured to provide left turn lanes.
The proposed geometrics for Dempsey Road include a new 10’ wide multi-use bike path on the west side of the street, north...
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