Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact with the exchange of quit claim deeds between the City and Hawk’s Addition, LLC. There will be costs associated with marketing the parcels and selling the parcels, which costs shall ultimately be paid from the proceeds of the sales of the parcels.
Authorizing the execution and acceptance of quit claim deeds to certain properties within the Wolfe Addition to Hawk’s Creek, and authorizing the City Engineer and Manager of the Office of Real Estate Services to market and sell City owned parcels within the Wolfe Addition to Hawk’s Creek. (1st AD)
WHEREAS, on December 10, 2012, the City, pursuant to RES-12-00875, File ID No. 27973, acquired 9.48 acres of land from the Madison Audubon Society, Inc. for public open space purposes, the expansion of the Ice Age Junction Trail, the extension of Jeffy Trail, and to facilitate the future residential development of these lands and the surrounding area; and,
WHEREAS, on May 15, 2013, the City, pursuant to RES-13-00300, File ID No. 29550, acquired land from Badger Mill Creek LLC for the expansion of open space and storm water management purposes to serve the City’s future Hawk’s Creek development; and,
WHEREAS, on July 29, 2013, the City, pursuant to RES-13-00006, File ID No. 28396, entered into the Development and Land Swap Agreement for the Development of the Wolfe Addition to Hawks Creek (the “Agreement”) with Hawk’s Addition, LLC to jointly plat and develop Wolfe Addition to Hawk’s Creek, and as part of this Agreement the City and Hawk’s Addition, LLC agreed that Hawk’s Addition, LLC would ultimately own Lots 1-6 and Lot 16 of the plat and the City would ultimately own Lots 7-15 of the plat; and,
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2013 the Wolfe Addition to Hawk’s Creek Plat (the “Plat”) was recorded with the Register of Deeds, which Plat divided the combined lands of the City and Hawk’s Addition, LLC into 16 developable lots, 2 outlots and newly configured and extende...
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