Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in the following:
Fleet Services Relocation Fund No.10305-41-140 $750,000 budget
Fire Maintenance Building Fund No. 10304-41-140 $880,000 budget
Accepting the Nakoosa Trail Fleet Services Facility Programming and Master Planning Study and authorizing Fleet Services and City staff to advertise a “Request For Qualifications” for an architect consultant and a commissioning consultant for the next phase of architectural design work of a new Fire Maintenance Building for Fleet Services.
WHEREAS RNL Design has completed the initial programming and master plan study for the Nakoosa Trail Fleet Services facility that includes space needs programming, equipment programming, preparation of various master site plan concepts, and a conceptual schematic floor plan design for Fleet Services; and,
WHEREAS the completed master plan study by RNL Design includes statements of the estimated cost of building improvements for the site development plan and the building plan concepts; and,
WHEREAS the completed master plan study includes a short term plan for a new building for Fire Maintenance; and,
WHEREAS the completed master plan study includes a long term plan for a new combined building for Fleet Services, Fire Maintenance, and Radio Shop; and,
WHEREAS the completed master plan study has explored potential additional uses of the remaining site areas for a Metro Transit Satellite Facility and a Streets Anaerobic Digester (biodigester) Facility; and,
WHEREAS the completed master plan study has explored potential uses of the existing Cub Foods Building to be repurposed for State Fleet; and,
WHEREAS the next phase of the project is to design and construct a new Fire Maintenance Building that is in the capital budget for design in 2015 and construction in 2016; and,
WHEREAS the Fire Maintenance Building will be the first phase of a combined facility, with Fleet Services and the Radio Shop planned to be designed and const...
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