Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Monona Terrace 2009 Operating Budget for this budget-neutral transfer of $52,000.
Amending the Monona Terrace Operating Budget to add a Monona Terrace Audio/Visual Technician position and transfer $52,000 from Hourly Employee Pay to Permanent Salaries and Fringe Benefits.
WHEREAS, Monona Terrace and Human Resource Department staff have determined it would improve continuity of operations and increase efficiencies to add a pemanent employee to perform audio/visual tasks rather than rely on hourly employees;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a 1.0 FTE Monona Terrace Audio/Visual Technician position (16-14) be added to the Monona Terrace budget; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Monona Terrace budget be amended as follows:
$41,000 Permanent Salaries (EM01-51100-110000)
11,000 Fringe Benefits (EM01-52000-110000)
(52,000) Hourly Employee Pay (EM01-51200-110000)
$ 0