Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2019 Sewer Utility and Engineering-Major Streets capital budgets by converting $250,000 of existing revenue bond appropriation to sewer utility reserve appropriation in the Sewer Reconstruction program and transferring the budget sewer reserve appropriation to the Reconstruction Streets program for a pilot program to install sewer backwater valves.
The minor projects receiving the transferred sewer reserve appropriation in the Reconstruction Streets program include the Davidson/Park/Dempsey/Lake Edge/Maher reconstruction project (MUNIS 11890), the Elizabeth Street/N. Ingersoll Street reconstruction project (MUNIS 11182), and the Sanitary Lateral Backflow Preventer project (MUNIS 12284).
If the Sewer Backwater Valve pilot program results in a future year capital budget program for the Sewer Utility, the program will be presented as a proposal within the Sewer Utility's capital budget request.
11536-83-808 $250,000 Revenue Bonds
11536-83-806 ($250,000) Utility Reserves
11536-83-173 ($250,000) Sewer
11536-83-806 $250,000 Utility Reserves
11890-83-173 $97,500 Sewer
11890-83-806 ($97,500) Utility Reserves
11182-83-173 $52,500 Sewer
11182-83-806 ($52,500) Utility Reserves
12284-83-173 $100,000 Sewer
12284-83-806 ($100,000) Utility Reserves
Amending the 2019 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget and Engineering Major Streets Capital Budget to convert $250,000 of existing Sewer Revenue Bond appropriation to Sewer Utility Reserve appropriation in the Sewer Reconstruction program and transfer to the Reconstruction Streets program to fund a pilot program to install sewer backwater valves to properties upon request.
WHEREAS, Project 11536 (Sewer Reconstruction) has $250,000 of budget authority currently available; and
WHEREAS, private property owners own the sewer lateral from the home to the City sewer main and as such are responsible for related maintenance, repairs...
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