Fiscal Note
Authorized salary expense for the position as included in the 2013 adopted operating budget of the Community Development Division is $80,769, plus benefit expense. In 2013, the additional salary expense required in conjunction with the reclassification is an estimated $2,000, plus marginal benefit expense of an estimated $400. These expenses will be accommodated within the existing 2013 appropriation for CDD. The future anticipated additional annual salary expense is $7,878, plus marginal benefit expense of approximately $1,500. These expense will need to be included in future operating budgets, funded with City levy dollars, subject to approval of the Common Council.
Recreate the position (#846) of Senior Center Director, currently in CG18, Range 10, in CG18, Range 12 in the Community Development Division, and reallocate the incumbent (C. Beatty) to the new position.
Resolution that position #846, currently occupied by C. Beatty, of "Senior Center Director" in Compensation Group 18, Range 10, in the permanent salary detail of the Community Development Division budget, is deleted and recreated as a "Senior Center Director" in Compensation Group 18, Range 12, and that the incumbent is reallocated to the new position, thereof.