Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves additional funding in the amount of $62,000 for the consulting services for the public input and engagement process of the Monroe Street project. The adopted 2016 capital budget authorizes $150,000 for the planning and design process of the Monroe Street project (MUNIS10251). Funding is provided by GO borrowing.
Acct. No. 10251-402-170
Amendment to Purchase Service Contract #16000833 with Urban Assets, LLC for the Monroe Street Reconstruction Project
The City is proposing to reconstruct Monroe Street from Odana Road to Regent Street in 2018. The consultant’s services will include a thorough public input and engagement process prior to finalization of design details for the project.
The outlined Public Engagement Plan is attached.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Purchase Service Contract #16000833 with Urban Assets, LLC for Monroe Street Reconstruction Project is hereby amended and increased $62,000.