Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2025-03 Authorization of Line Item Budget Transfers
This resolution includes a series of transfers within PHMDC to reflect projected spending levels through the end of the fiscal year; all proposed transfers are net neutral. Under the terms of the merger agreement, the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County may authorize PHMDC to move funds within appropriations during a fiscal year (IGA, VIII, G).
• SRH Outreach
o Transfer $9,077.47 from Advertisement to Program Supplies.
o Transfer $16,562.18 from Salary and $6,244.30 to Fringe ($1,379.95), Community Agency Contracts ($17,386.72) and Facility Rental ($4,039.81).
• Environmental Laboratory Unit and Environmental Protection Unit
o Transfer $19,091.59 from 54335 System and Software Maintenance, to budget line 53220 Lab and Photo Supplies.
• HIV Prevention Grant
o Transfer $7,662.18 from Advertisement to Program Supplies
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County, on behalf of Public Health-Madison and Dane County, authorizes the transfer of the amounts as outlined within the department.