Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Effectuating the settlement agreement and stipulation in Adams Outdoor Advertising v. City of Madison, Dane County Circuit Court Cases 2007 - CV - 2201, etc.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance provides an exception to the City’s existing ordinances to allow Adams Outdoor Advertising to obtain permits for five (5) double-sided billboards and to repair or replace two other billboards. It is part of a settlement of pending tax litigation with Adams and is a companion to a related resolution approving that settlement.
*********************************************************************************** The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted a resolution authorizing the settlement of litigation between Adams Outdoor Advertising, Ltd., (Adams) and the City of Madison (City), including the following Dane County Circuit Court cases:
Nos. 2007 - CV - 2201, 2008 - CV - 2392, 2009 - CV - 2696, 2010 - CV - 2614, and 2011 - CV - 2202; and Nos. 2003 - CV - 777, and combined cases 2004 - CV - 883, 2005 - CV - 795 and 2007 - CV - 927; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the settlement, it is required that Adams be permitted to pursue certain actions wh...
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