Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in the following Acct. Nos.:
Pickford Street:
STREET ACCOUNT NO. CS53-58250-810355-00-53W0610 "Reconstruction Streets" $251,011.33
STREET ACCOUNT NO. CS53-58270-810355-00-53W0610 "Reconstruction Streets" $61,044.90
STORM ACCOUNT NO. ESTM-58270-810381-00-53W0610 "Accompanying Storm Sewer" $151,290.00
SANITARY ACCOUNT NO. ES01-58275-810332-00-53W0610 "Sewer w/Reconstructed Streets" $207,446.88
WATER ACCOUNT NO. EW01-58273-810455-00-53W0610 "Water Mains-Water Utility" $163,046.34
Total Cost $833,839.45
Assessed to Property Owners $97,465.98
City Cost $736,373.47
Stang Street:
STREET ACCOUNT NO. CS53-58250-810355-00-53W1046 "Reconstruction Streets" $122,527.07
STREET ACCOUNT NO. CS53-58270-810355-00-53W1046 "Reconstruction Streets" $7,675.20
STORM ACCOUNT NO. ESTM-58270-810381-00-53W1046 "Accompanying Storm Sewer" $5,448.90
SANITARY ACCOUNT NO. ES01-58275-810332-00-53W1046 "Accompanying Storm Sewer" $77,460.48
WATER ACCOUNT NO. EW01-58273-810455-00-53W1046 "Water Mains-Water Utility" $68,191.20
Total Cost $281,302.85
Assessed to Property Owners $29,908.18
City Cost $251,394.67
GRAND TOTALS: $1,115,142.30
ASSESSABLE $127,374.16
CITY SHARE $987,768.14
Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Pickford Street and Stang Street Reconstruction Assessment District - 2011. (10th & 12th ADs)
The Board of Public Works and the City Engineer having made reports of all proceedings in relation to the improvement of Pickford Street and Stang Street Reconstruction Assessment District - 2011 pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council, RES-11-00276, ID No. 21704, adopted 3/29/11, which resolution was adopted thereto, and the provisions of the Madison General Ordinances and ...
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