Fiscal Note
Funds are included in the 2013 Streets and Parks Operating Budgets.
Total Project Cost: $ 68,585.70
State Share: $ 25,000.00
City Share: $ 43,585.70
Authorizing the execution of an agreement to receive a $25,000 Urban Forestry grant and to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
WHEREAS, on 11/27/2012 the Madison Common Council approved Resolution #27994 (RES-12-00911) approving application for, receipt of, and execution of documents relating to a $25,000 Urban Forestry grant from the Wisconsin DNR; and,
WHEREAS on December 21, 2012, the Wisconsin DNR awarded a $25,000 grant to the City of Madison Streets Department to conduct an urban wood utilization pilot project and provided a form contract for the City to sign; and,
WHEREAS the DNR's form contract requires the City to indemnify the Wisconsin DNR; and,
WHEREAS the proposed indemnification language has been reviewed by the City Attorney's Office and the City's Risk Manager. While the City's risk exposure is increased by this clause, the exposure is covered by the City's insurance policies, subject to the policies' terms and conditions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for receipt of funds and implementation of the Urban Forestry project; and
BE FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves the indemnification of the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as required by the Urban Forestry agreement.