Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Creating New Sec. 34.01(12) and renumbering current Secs. 34.01(12) through (15) to Secs. 34.01(13) through (16), respectively, amending Sec. 34.315(1), creating Sec. 34.503(4) and amending Secs. 34.507(1)(c), 34.508, and 34.907 and creating Sec. 34.914 of the Madison General Ordinances to provide outdoor storage requirements and to adopt IFC Appendix D105 and to apply requirements to fire apparatus access roads and exterior walls of newly constructed dwellings and create an exception for water supply to fire pumps and to correct some typographic errors.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance creates Sec. 34.01(12) which creates specific requirements for the filing of a judicial review. It amends Sec. 34.315(1), to provide that listed storage requirements apply to outdoor storage. It also creates Sec. 34.503(4) that adopts IFC Appendix D105. It amends Sec. 34.507 so that requirements apply to fire apparatus roads and exterior walls of newly constructed dwellings. It amends Sec. 34.508 to reflect the correct IFC item number. The ordinance also creates a new Sec. 34.914 which creates an exception for water supply to fire pumps not found within the IFC. It also amends ordinance to insure conformity with IFC sections.
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