Fiscal Note
The cost for the remainder of 2014 is approximately $77 (or $89 including benefits) and is available in the Parks Division operating budget. The projected annualized cost is $15,590 (or $17,880 including benefits).
Recreating position #1487 of 0.5 FTE Administrative Clerk 1(currently budgeted as an Administrative Clerk 2 and underfilled) to a 0.8 FTE Program Assistant 1 in the Parks Operating budget; and reallocating incumbent Karen Thompson to the new position.
Resolution recreating the 0.5 FTE position #1487, currently in the Parks Division operating budget as an Administrative Clerk 2 (CG20, R11) as a Program Assistant 1 (CG20, R11), increasing the FTE to 0.8, and reallocating the incumbent, K. Thompson, to the new position.