Fiscal Note
The anticipated three-year cost (from 2011 - 2013) of the contract is not greater than $180,000. The 2011 Adopted Operating Budget of the Planning Division provides funding of $51,500 for the 2011 expense. Future year funding will be included in future operating budgets, subject to approval by the Common Council.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with the University of Wisconsin’s Applied Population Lab to maintain, update and refine the Neighborhood Indicators project.
WHEREAS, the continual and systematic collection, maintenance, and analyses of data is necessary to monitor the health of the City’s neighborhoods over time and to identify trends that may indicate future problems; and
WHEREAS, information from multiple City agencies, other units of government and other data providers integrated into a single database would facilitate a coordinated response to existing and emerging neighborhood issues before they become more serious problems; and
WHEREAS, staff has met several times to learn about similar efforts in other communities and to discuss the types of indicators that may be appropriate for Madison; and
WHEREAS, input on this topic was received at the City’s 2006 Neighborhood Conference; 2007, 2008 and 2009 Neighborhood Roundtables; Neighborhood Resource Teams retreats; community group meetings including the Northside Planning Council, East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council, South Metropolitan Planning Council; and various citizen committees including Public Safety Review Board, Board of Education-Common Council Liaison Committee, Community Services Commission and Community Development Block Grant Commission; and
WHEREAS, indicators and profile data generally fall into the following categories: basic area and population profile, community action and involvement indicators, housing quality and availability indicators, public safety indicators, health and family well-being indicators, economic...
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