Fiscal Note
There may be a minor increase in General Fund revenues derived from fines and forfeitures.
AN AMENDED SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE. Creating Sections 10.056(5)(h) and 23.315 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit animals from specified street use events, require notice of prohibition and establishes a penalty for violations of this ordinance.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance creates Sec. 10.056(5)(h), MGO, which provides when a street use permit is granted and there are more than ten licensed food vendors, animals are prohibited from the event. It requires that the applicant provide notice to the public that animals are prohibited at the event. It also creates Sec. 23.315 which prohibits animals at the above-mentioned events and establishes a penalty for violations of this ordinance. It also creates an exception for service animals, animals that are part of a parade and animals that are owned by exhibitors.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subdivision (h) entitled “Animals Prohibited” of Subsection (5) entitled “Application Process and Permit Requirements” of Section 10.056 entitled “Street Use P...
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