Fiscal Note
The total project cost for the Highland Manor Storm Shelter is estimated to be $2,055,000. The grant amount awarded is $1,372,000 and in kind contributions are estimated at $258,000. The 2014 Parks Capital Budget for this project (810765) includes $150,000 General Obligation debt. The debt service on an additional $275,000 of general obligation borrowing to fully fund the project is estimated to be $32,238.
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Highland Manor Storm Shelter and amending the 2014 Parks Capital Budget to add $275,000 of General Obligation Funding to provide for estimated cost overruns for the project.
In 2012, the City applied for a grant from FEMA and the Wisconsin Division of Emergency Management to construct a Dual Use Safe Room (Storm Shelter) to serve the Highland Manor Mobile Home Community located off of Moorland Road on the City’s South Side. In early 2013 the grants were awarded in amounts totaling $1,372,184 and based upon a total project cost of $1,568,210. Portions of the City cost share were budgeted for in the 2013 Capital Budget and also offset by ‘in-kind’ contributions such as land dedication and project work components by City staff. As design progressed thru 2013, many factors were encountered requiring an increase to the original cost estimates. Primary contributors to the estimated cost overruns include: elevation of site will require substantial fill not originally contemplated; poor soils found at the site will require additional excavation and foundation expense; providing water to the site was far more complex and costly due to sprinkling requirements for the building and the inability to use nearby water source; the parking lot for the site will be substantially larger than contemplated as a result of Neighborhood input; and the cost of the structure itself has increased over original estimate. The overruns would b...
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