Fiscal Note
No fiscal note needed.
Discussion Item: Budget Amendments and Follow-Up on Budget Initiatives - by request of Ald. Ken Golden
Ald. Golden is concerned with the frequency that amendments to the budget and other requirements are being ignored, not being follow-up on or are being lost in the implementation if these are not initiatives of either the Comptroller or Mayor. He would like to ask that an ordinance be drafted where the Comptroller, within 30 days of the budget being passed, be charged with the responsibility of developing a report that lists (and does not go into great detail):
1. All initiatives in the budget text (new items),
2. All amendments requiring an agency to do something they are not currently doing, identifying the agency that is responsible; and
3. The department and lead staff contact person for the item
Subsequent reports on these items should be submitted quarterly to the CCOC that describes a description of the progress, if any, in a brief written report. Items completed can be dropped from the report.