Fiscal Note
Ordinance No. ORD-19-00057 (Leg file 54449) passed in 2019, allows the Affirmative Action Division Manager to reach voluntary agreements with contractors who have failed to meet affirmative action plan and/or contract requirements. Under these agreements, contractors provide payments to the City that will be used to support programs that grow Small Business Enterprises, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority Businesses Enterprises, Section 3 Business Enterprises, and Women’s Business Enterprises. Payments from these agreements have totaled over $637,000 as of 2024.
The proposed resolution authorizes a contract to support the Associates in Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) program at a total cost of $225,000 over three years. The $75,000 for the contract is included in the Department's 2025 Adopted Operating Budget within the Purchased Services major; the same amount will be included in 2026 and 2027 operating budgets. No additional City appropriation required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter a three-year, sole-source contract with Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) for the Associates in Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) program.?
WHEREAS, City loan documents contain provisions related to the hiring of targeted business enterprises, and compliance for those requirements is reviewed by the Department of Civil Rights; and
WHEREAS, as a method of efficient and meaningful settlement for non-compliance, Chapter 39(9)(g)(13) of the Madison General Ordinances states:
The AA Division Manager may reach a voluntary agreement with a contractor claimed to be in violation of this ordinance. The agreement shall provide for payments to the City by the contractor to support a program or programs to enhance the growth of DBE, MBE, WBE or SBE in the greater Madison area, or to enhance the diversity of membership in the apprenticeship and trades.
WHEREAS, the Affirmative Action Division Manager has negotiated settlements and rece...
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