Fiscal Note
The cost for the remainder of 2016 is approximately $8,200 and is available in the Police Department budget.
Delete the classification of Police Administrative Services Manager in CG18, R12, and recreate it in CG18, R14. Recreate position #2576 as a 1.0 FTE Police Administrative Services Manager in CG18, Range 14, and reallocate the incumbent (T. Genin) to the new position, in the Police budget.
Resolution deleting the classification of Police Administrative Services Manager in CG18, R12, and recreating it in CG18, R14. Recreate position #2576 of Police Administrative Services Manager (CG18, R12) as a 1.0 FTE Police Administrative Services Manager in CG 18, R14 in the permanent salary detail of the Police budget, and reallocate the incumbent (T. Genin) to the new position, thereof.